Pakotie – Getaway


Master thief Doc Mc Coy knows his wife has been in bed with the local political boss in order to spring him from jail. What he can’t know is the sinister succession of double- crosses that will sour the deal once he’s on the outside – and executing the ultimate robbery. Fasten your seat belts and join Steve McQueen and Ali MacGraw is a supreme action thriller based on Jim Thompson’s novel. Sam Peckinpah directed, filming on location across Texas and in sequence – from the opening inside Huntsville State Prison to the explosive El Paso border climax. Once The Getaway starts, there’s no escaping its breathless intensity.

Varasto loppu

Päivämäärä: 24-03-2021
Tekijä: Toiminta vuodelta 1972 ohjaus Sam Peckinpah pääosissa Steve McQueen ja Ali MacGraw.
Kieli: suomi teksti
Kunto: K3( K5=uusi, K4=erinomainen, K3=hyvä, K2=tyydyttävä, K1=kehno)
Painovuosi: 1972
Kustantaja: National General